Jamie Foxx unleashes NSFW rant on Miley Cyrus
Apr 14, 2009, 11:35 AM by Pop Watch
A clip has been posted on YouTube allegedly containing audio of Jamie Foxx unleashing a profanity-laced rant on 16-year-old Miley Cyrus on his Sirius Radio show The Foxxhole last weekend. Foxx, 41, and others in the studio are seemingly heard criticizing Cyrus' physical appearance and making other negative comments directed at her, including "make a sex tape and grow up" and a suggestion that she go out and catch a sexually transmitted disease. Foxx is currently doing press to promote his upcoming movie The Soloist, which opens April 24.
Comments from Entertainment Weekly:
boyd Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 09:34 AM EST
everyone of these a**holes should lose their jobs and get sued just like Don Imus and Kramer. Everything they said was punitive, belittling, arbitrary, and racist to boot. Yeah she's ugly, but anyone that uses skin color in a racial context is a racist. So in being fair they should all publicly apologize, lose their jobs and get sued in both civil court and the court of public opinion. My next question is where is the REV> Al Sharpton on this race issue?? Flame away.
(my question: when has Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton stood up for women and girls??)
storm Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 09:32 AM EST
I find it is truly upsetting that a grown man would say that he wanted a 16 year old girl to make a sex tape. This makes me wonder if this speaks about the mans personal life. If you think that it is okay to speak like that to a child then you need help. If I said that to a child I would be in jail for assault.. It is not comedy it is disgusting and rude. Just another example that people get a little bit of space and then run off at the mouth =. Its sick and sad
Wendy Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 09:20 AM EST
I'm not a Miley fan or a Jamie fan, but I am disappointed in what is considered "humor"; doing drugs, STD's, sexual orientation and profanity. This really isn't about Miley or Jamie, its about our society, the lack of respect for each other, and double standards. I will watch to see if Jamie receives the Imus treatment.
I'm not going to embed the clip here because it is seriously foul. There's nothing funny about it. What I especially found abhorrent was the female sidekick (I have no idea what you'd call her position) co-signing everything Jamie said.
I won't discuss why women have to support the foolishness that men do. I won't even make this a racial issue, as the commenters at Entertainment Weekly did. I seriously want someone to explain to me why grown men get a pass for devaluing women and girls, no matter what race of any party. Its especially distasteful... well its just especially distasteful. There's nothing remotely enlightening, progressive or positive about Jamie Foxx (I'm not gonna front like I don't bump 'Blame It' in my car, although I will probably take it out of my iPod now).
I keep saying this, but its still relevant - lets stop backing bullsh*t with our financial support. I don't expect black people to bat an eyelash. We wouldn't defend our own 'nappy headed h*es' so I definitely don't see us doing anything about this either. When will we learn to do better, expect better, demand better and be better?
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