Your tax dollars at work

"Hopefully I'm done. I didn't intend to have this many, it just happened."

There are so many negative comments running around in my thoughts. I'm gonna refrain from writing the majority of them. The comment uppermost in my mind, is that those children deserve better. Even if the mothers chose to have more children in his family, those kids didn't choose this man.


bwdb said...


I mean...this is on a new level of FAIL...The FAILboat didn't just come in...It LANDED on top of this guy...If it weren't for the poor children, I'd be laughing...

Prosechild said...

This guy is the captain of the failboat!! And his passengers are the women who keep having his children. The children are the poor casualties... Let's hope they don't get lost at sea. I'm usually more sympathetic toward black women but this situation is beyond anything I've ever heard of.

Welcome said...

Don't worry my dad did the same thing. I have sisters that I share my birthday with, age etc. Mom mom found out and that was it. She got him to pay cs though. he was an mh, but I do have to say that while he was alive he actually took care of us. That was my moms first boyfriend. That's why she encouraged me to date so that I wouldn't fall in love with some guy and think he was the one just because I had feelings for him.