I got fired last Monday. I've never been fired before. What's bad about it is, I got fired b/c I had been late/called out too many times. What's worse is, I totally didn't want to be there and wasn't that upset that it happened. I'm just bummed that I have to look for something else. I was on a long-term temp assignment, and my agency let me go too.
So last week was a vacation of sorts. On Saturday, I went to a dinner for one of my best friends. She turned 31 last week. I had to roll out before dessert. I'm on the Atkins diet (Induction phase) and I knew it'd be slow torture for me to sit there and watch everyone inhale their sweets. I'm such a carb addict so this type of diet/lifestyle change is hard for me. But I have PCOS and its accompanying symptom of insulin resistance, so I need to cut out simple sugars anyway. What's been getting me through is Linda's Low-Carb Recipes.
Since I didn't have to be up early this morning, I picked up the BFF from the bus station last night. She's originally from NYC and went home for the weekend. We watched some of the Chappelle Show and she gushed about her new guy. New love is always so sweet to behold. I can't wait to get back to that place myself. But with everything going on with me economically, socially, etc etc I don't feel I can add another thing to my plate right now. Or maybe I'm taking it too seriously? Hmmm...
Today I've been twittering (or tweeting?) away today... designed 2 new shirts (check out the Custom Tees section), did some research for my Junior League committee, and general stuff to get better at this e-commerce thing. I really love working for myself.. I can't wait to get to a place where I'm totally my own boss. I can just feel it.. on top of the fact that I love black women... I'm trying not to wax poetic here but we are the most amazing beings. If I had the money I want, right now I would be so content with life.
I believe that sometimes getting fired can be a blessing in disguise, especially if you didn't want to be there in the first place! It does come at the most inopportune times, but if that's the push you need to get out of the door, then so be it.
Did you get a new gig yet?
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